All properties and functions that expect color values in the form of instances of Color objects, also accept named colors and hex values as strings which are then converted to instances of Color internally.

Example: Named color values:

// Create a circle shaped path at {x: 80, y: 50}
// with a radius of 30.
var circle = new Path.Circle(new Point(80, 50), 30);

// Pass a color name to the fillColor property, which is internally
// converted to a Color.
circle.fillColor = 'green';

Example: Hex color values:

// Create a circle shaped path at {x: 80, y: 50}
// with a radius of 30.
var circle = new Path.Circle(new Point(80, 50), 30);

// Pass a hex string to the fillColor property, which is internally
// converted to a Color.
circle.fillColor = '#ff0000';


